Black Friday...FUN!
Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 08:18AM
Front n Center

Yesterday I did something I vowed I would never do again...

shopped on Black Friday!

I worked in various malls around the area for 12 years.

For 12 years straight I worked black Friday.

It was nightmarish!

This year my sister Tiff asked if I would like to start a new tradition.

I accepted.

I went the idea that I was going to just have fun, see what all the hoopla was about , but not really accomplish anything.

The day started at...


I was out the door by 4:00.

As I was driving through town I saw the khols parking lot full, a line around the Target, and  Walmart had a sea of people in front of it.

I arrived at Woodfield mall at 4:50 am.

My sister loves this day, so I let her lead the way.

I soon realized there were alot of deals to be had and I was getting caught up in the frenzy.

I didn't even have time to get my mug on t.v.!

We fell into a rythm, one of us would wait in the line while one shopped. Then, I would tag her out and she would shop, when it was time to get rung up I would call her on the cell, we purchased and we were on to the next store!

We did this for 4 1/2 hours.

At 9:am we did this...

We could no longer hold these...

So we made a drop off, and at...

 We were eating this...

and this...


There was plenty of holiday...


 PM, it looked like this...

We had a blast, can't wait to do it again next year!




Article originally appeared on Front n Center (
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