Four Fun Facts!
Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 10:58AM
Front n Center

                    My friend  Heather at All a Flutter has this fun 4x4 up on her blog.

                         You will fall in love with her and her sweet family. Check it out.

                          Here's my 4x4, not exactly the facts of life, but four fun ones anyway!

                                           Four Places I go each week


                                                           bus stop

                                                          grocery store

                                                   Starbucks (seasonally)

                                            Four things I love the smell of

                                          my coffee  brewing in the morning

                                                 My husbands cologne

                                       Yankee candles ( currently sugar cookies)

                                          Lilac sheet spray for fresh bedding

                                              Four T.V. shows I watch



                                                      Modern Family

                                                     Grey's Anatomy

                                      Four things I'd like to do each week

                                                      go to the movies


                    Shop for clothes, thrift stores, or for scrapbook products (that I don't need)

                                                       Make someone laugh!

This is how I'm driving around town right now. This picture is from last year. I really do get a kick out of people pointing at the car and smiling and laughing. Makes for some good holiday fun.

The kids...

Not so much fans of the reindeer get up.

I'm not allowed to have the antlers on at the bus stop


Photo shoot was a bust uugghh! The siding crew is still here, the job was only supposed to take 2 weeks. We are on week 4! Looks good though, just miss being home alone. We have two bathrooms and it never fails one of them (the guys) is always right outside the window.

I just know one of them has seen me naked!

 I'd love to hear what your 4x4 are.

Article originally appeared on Front n Center (
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