Tomorrow Ella and I leave for Washington DC or to be more exact Maryland. It's sort of like when people are traveling to Illinois they say I'm going to Chicago, it sounds a bit more glamorous than just saying Illinois. I am so looking forward to getting off the plane, taking a deep breath, giving my friend a big hug and for the next 4 days enjoy her company. We've been friends since the 6th grade, she is my soul sister. When my mom died she came out and helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life, she gave me the strength to get through the memorial and to honor my mother when I was at my weakest. The past 5 months have been hard, so much to deal with, death, another cancer diagnosis, teenager life, my grief, helping others with their grief, it's been quite a roller coaster of emotions daily. I thought I was doing okay for a while, but the last month everything seemed to rush up on me all at once. I think for a while my body/mind was in shock as a way to kind of deal with what seemed to be a daily punch of sorrow, and then suddenly it just couldn't hold the gate closed anymore so out it all came.
So, I am looking forward to the COMFORT of myFRIEND. Being around her makes me feel like everything is going to be alright again. I won't have to "BE" anything there. I know I will BE able to laugh, the kind of laughing that makes your stomach hurt, I will be able to share and spend this special time with my daughter, and hopefully return with a renewed mind set and attitude.
Recently another DEAR friend ( how lucky am I?) gave me this book
My heart was really becoming hardened toward GOD. As each day was bringing so much pain, bad news, etc, I kept asking WHY? How much more can I take? If there is a God why so much pain, suffering? I even became a bit superstitious about Him. I was feeling that the more I prayed the worse the days were getting. And then I read this book, and though i had heard some of these things before, It helped me to see God as the God I had always believed in, that he has not changed, or punished me, and that he is always there. loving me through all of lifes struggles. I am not articulating well enough the beauty of this book. What i can say is I read it in a day, I could not put it down, and I will forever be grateful for this gift. Thank you BETH!!!!!
Wow, what a serious post!
How about some thing lighter?
If you have never been to Washington DC during the cherry blossom season you have missed out in witnessing one of the most beautiful things ever to see. In 2006 the family made a trip to DC and here is what we saw.
This was a neighborhood we parked in and walked around in. The whole neighborhood is coved by this canopy of Cherry blossom trees.
I am really looking forward to taking ALOT of pictures, seeing Color, and FEELING SPRING!