Movie review Monday
I love movies.
This is the best time of year for seeing movies because this is the Oscar season.
I see ALOT of movies.
Some I see more than once.
I may see one just to enjoy it and then see it again for the movie making magic I didn't catch the first time.
One such movie.
New Moon- I read the book, liked the book, loved the movie.
I saw it first just as a fan. I really enjoyed the special effects of the werewolves. The angst between Bella and Jacob was gut wrenching. I am really team Edward, but this movie had me jumping ship to team Jacob.
I read this book so I had to go and check out all of the behind the movie tid bits.
Blind Side- Definetly a feel good movie. Snadra Bullock is very good in this. It is funny, touching, and overall well done.
Precious- If you don't like Oprah's books club selections, (which I do not), then you will not like this movie. It is disturbing, and graphic in subject matter. I had a hard time hearing some of the words, the sound seemed off , or the words were mumbled. A man walked out at the end of the movie, due to the disturbing dialogue.
Having said that...
Monique, who plays Precious mother, will most likely get a Oscar nomination.
Her portrayal was Amazing, very difficult to watch, yet mezmorizing from an acting stand point.
A Christmas Carol- I saw this on the Imax screen. Some of the best animation I have ever seen.
Not a movie for small children, Ella, (11) was covering her eyes at times.
The scenes of the ghost of Christmas present in particular were outstanding.
I'm trying to keep it short and brief, just a quick what I thought. Here's what I am most looking forward to seeing and soon listening to in the car. The song BE ITALIAN makes me wnat to cook up a huge pasta dinner for the family just so I can sing this song as I'm making and serving it! Don't forget to pause the player

Reader Comments (1)
Now, more then ever, I with we lived closer! I love seeing movies, but my husband falls asleep in them. Ugh! Once a month moms from my church get together for a movie night, but with so many great movies out there to see it just isn't enough. I really want to see Nine, too. I can't wait to hear what you think of it!