Bio & Headshot

Well Hello there! If you've stumbled your way to this blog WELCOME! I'm a widwestern gal who is darn crafty. I love taking all kinds of pictures,  but taking funny ones of myself are my favourite. I am a t.v. and movie addict who can remeber all kinds of movie history, actors names, dates and trivia, however, I cannot seem to remember where I put my purse, keys and sometimes my children! 

To learn more about me you can get a backstage tour by clicking on the different links and visiting the bio/headshot area.


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hello friends!

 Sorry to have been gone so long.

I haven't had much to say.

I've been on a kick to purge things...


not a very exciting picture, but that's what i have been doing x's 10!

This is an amoir that is in our living room. None of these things fit in the kitchen, but they gotta go somewhere...

This is after I have totally donated a ton of my gadgets.

If we ever move this will all have to go in storage, so the new people think they can fit all their stuff in the kitchen...

Thanks to HGTV for that one!

Below is where all my convertable making stuff is, rather than all over my dining room table!


This is where we keep the cook books and liquor.

Totally purged some cookbooks out of here. Before stuff was falling out everytime you opened it.

Now that I'm looking at the liquor portion....

I could found some clever ways to purge that as well!


Then I went and did this!!!!!!!!


I wish i could say I donated it but...

It wasn't ever all mine to donate anyway!

and lastly....

did you know it's...


 I cannot wait!

 Does anyone know how to fix my blog button? Apparently it has never worked and I cannot figure out how to get it to work correctly. Someone said it has something to do with the flash. I could pay you to make me a new one....


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Reader Comments (6)

glad you're back!
I love the weekends when i have the time to really organize and purge. I kinda purged my closet recently~loved it.
I like your hair cut!! It looks great. details on the extensions...

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternicole

The hair is just adorable! Adorable I tell you! YAY on the purging. I have been doing the same thing with the baby stuff and other junk around here.

P.S. Did you see there is a Glee concert coming to Rosemont in May??? Yep....just saying... :)

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTraci

You are a HOOT and so stunningly beautiful too!!

First off....shut the armor doors. They have no business opening them.

I LOVE the Everyday food magazine. I've been getting it for years.

When we getting together again!!! I want to watch you create!!!


March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCathy La Hay

Love your new hairdo, it's fabulous!! I'm laughing at your gadgets...I feel your pain, I've totally run out of space to store pantry now has no floor space..yikes!

Purging stuff is such a great feeling isn't it!!


March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCricket

I love your hair!

Great purging! I have been purging off and on for the last six months, just a linen closet and the little one's toys left. I am thinking tomorrow is the day for the toys, wish me luck.

Thanks for your sweet comment yesterday.

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarmen Leigh

you look GREAT... digging the hair!
fresh & fun!
ready for spring!

isn't it amazing how many trash bags full of stuff can be cleaned out from our homes!

what's up with your button?
i wonder if i can help you at all.
i would be more than happy to.

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