Bio & Headshot

Well Hello there! If you've stumbled your way to this blog WELCOME! I'm a widwestern gal who is darn crafty. I love taking all kinds of pictures,  but taking funny ones of myself are my favourite. I am a t.v. and movie addict who can remeber all kinds of movie history, actors names, dates and trivia, however, I cannot seem to remember where I put my purse, keys and sometimes my children! 

To learn more about me you can get a backstage tour by clicking on the different links and visiting the bio/headshot area.


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She loves books



are alot like food... 

some are dessert,

some are a good hearty piece of meat,

some are  like candy,

some are broccoli or brussel sprouts. (unless of course you like either of those)

I read alot last year, 

I needed to escape.

These are the books that really stood out for me last year.

This made me laugh, Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris  he had me laughing out loud!

These made me cry-  90 minutes in Heaven and Heaven is Real

She  had me wishing  I was a teenager again

These made me go out  buy an eyelet dress and want to bake something with flowers in it.

This  is what I am reading right now. I am loving it. When I love a book I never want it to end, I tend to milk it, savoring it of it's every last drop.

If you have a reader or a friend on your list, this one would make a great gift.

You can check out more of my book selections on Good Reads.

Go sign up we can be book buddies. 

For my birthday Brad bought me a nook.

 I didn't ask for it i just happened to bring home the little paper copy of the nook and had it on the counter.  I brought it home because I thought it was a great marketing tool. He took it as a hint, so now I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.

One of the features the nook has vs the kindle is you can borrow books to people.

So if you are getting a nook we could share nook books!

You may remember I recently took Lizzy's Mysteries of Me class.

I loved her pictures with the vintage books.

I also love Elsie's blog and her picture with book s.                    

So I had to try it too...   

              When I took these I never imagined I would resemble this guy...

                                    I'll give you a hint... His best friend says

                                  " When monkeys fly out of my butt, Yaah "








                              Definitely a resemblance.

 You don't have to leave me nice comments telling me I'm wrong...

                              Cuz  "I'm not Worthy"

                       All I think there is left to say is ...


















 I am a GLEEK!

I've been a Gleek of some sort all my life. In high school and to this day I am still a theatre geek.

If you were ever in choir, or theatre this is the show for you.

It has plenty of drama, angst, but is very funny as well.

I've just purchased the volume #2 of the Glee soundtrack. The shows glee club director,  Mr. Will creates these things called mash- ups where he tweaks current and classic songs together  combining them into great arrangement.

The harmonies are amazing, the talent is really astounding. Some of these kids have very little professional experience. 

 Rachel is my favorite character. She will soon be playing  opposite Idina Menzel. Idina is the original Elphaba in Wicked the musical.

Tomorrow night is the fall season finale. The show is on hiatis till American Idol is over in the spring.

So if you are not currently watching you have time to catch up!

The second soundtrack and the first season are currently on sale.

And now...... drum roll please....

My tribute to GLEEK -ISM!

(The first 3 songs on the soundtrack player are from the new Glee soundtrack vol.#2.)


 You can go here and watch full episodes, read about the actors, see audition tapes and watch behind the scenes footage.


(Pause player if you want to hear this) Here's Lea Michele performing one of my favorite songs from the musical Les Miserables. < I'd love to know are you a GLEEK too? Who's your favorite and why?

Holiday Head....

    Not Bed Head!                                           

While flipping through Martha Stewart Magazine I came across this picture and thought...


What a cute idea for a picture!

 I like taking pictures on my front  porch, or magical front porch as I like to say.

Somehow my front porch lighting makes my wrinkles and facial imperfections far less noticeable.

This weekend the workmen finished the front porch.

I taped up a piece of fabric for the back drop, put myself in costume, and this is what we got...


Using picnik I edited them using the cinemascope effect. ( Tiffany the photographer)



This is the one I used for the calendar, wording added with picnik!

Then out of those I made this...



 Well, there you have it, Decembers calendar page.

This is the 4th year in  a row I will be scrapbooking a calendar. Do any of you do this too?

Might be kinda fun to assign months, themes and then share?


 I'm no professional photographer, but for grins I thought I would show you what a little creativity and some lipstick can do to a photograph.

This was the first go at the shot.


The fabric just brightened up the subject and the lipstick helped give some punch to an otherwise washed out face.

We took more pictures with different backdrops and those you can see in the coming days.

They are all funny...

Here's a little hint...

It's going to be a "GLEE"-FUL day tomorrow!


It's Freakin Frosty!

It's get your Freak on Friday and I'm gonna get my freak right on outa here!

They are almost done with the house!

Today is windows and it is FREEZING in here!

Dnace like noones watching...

Do it for me...

Cuz  these days...

Someone is always watching me!