Bio & Headshot

Well Hello there! If you've stumbled your way to this blog WELCOME! I'm a widwestern gal who is darn crafty. I love taking all kinds of pictures,  but taking funny ones of myself are my favourite. I am a t.v. and movie addict who can remeber all kinds of movie history, actors names, dates and trivia, however, I cannot seem to remember where I put my purse, keys and sometimes my children! 

To learn more about me you can get a backstage tour by clicking on the different links and visiting the bio/headshot area.


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Four Fun Facts!

                    My friend  Heather at All a Flutter has this fun 4x4 up on her blog.

                         You will fall in love with her and her sweet family. Check it out.

                          Here's my 4x4, not exactly the facts of life, but four fun ones anyway!

                                           Four Places I go each week


                                                           bus stop

                                                          grocery store

                                                   Starbucks (seasonally)

                                            Four things I love the smell of

                                          my coffee  brewing in the morning

                                                 My husbands cologne

                                       Yankee candles ( currently sugar cookies)

                                          Lilac sheet spray for fresh bedding

                                              Four T.V. shows I watch



                                                      Modern Family

                                                     Grey's Anatomy

                                      Four things I'd like to do each week

                                                      go to the movies


                    Shop for clothes, thrift stores, or for scrapbook products (that I don't need)

                                                       Make someone laugh!

This is how I'm driving around town right now. This picture is from last year. I really do get a kick out of people pointing at the car and smiling and laughing. Makes for some good holiday fun.

The kids...

Not so much fans of the reindeer get up.

I'm not allowed to have the antlers on at the bus stop


Photo shoot was a bust uugghh! The siding crew is still here, the job was only supposed to take 2 weeks. We are on week 4! Looks good though, just miss being home alone. We have two bathrooms and it never fails one of them (the guys) is always right outside the window.

I just know one of them has seen me naked!

 I'd love to hear what your 4x4 are.


Pretty in pink

Right now I should be swimming in red and green, but everywhere I look i see


This is my purse, or as I like to call it my Mary Poppins bag.

It is a large purse and holds all  of this...

It's kind of hard to find anything in there because it's all pink!

My favorite ornament this year...

The convertable I am wearing today...

 Also wearing this today...

I purchased this cuff here. 

Carissa, The Brown Eyed Fox is one of my Favorite blogs! I look forward to her post everyday. She is so clever, creative and inspiring!

A must see for sure!

 Found this...

when I was in D.C. It is a coloring book for big girls. I had to have it!

A great 20.00 gift for the creative, artistic girl on your list! I bought one for my niece.

Check out some of the pages...


I'm all over this page! I can't wait to play!

You can find it here.

I think tonight I'm going to stay up really late, make some hot chocolate and work on this...

At the last minute I decided to take this class. There is a  button for it is right over there to the right. It will give you the details. (notice it also pink)!

Basically you journal the 25 days till Christmas. I thought it would be a good way to be creative throughout the holiday, but also stop, and as Carissa said in her recent post; stop and BE PRESENT, and to remember the reason for the season. She of course said it far more eloquently than I. 

This is just some of what is going on in my world. Later today I hope to do a funny photo shoot for my December calendar page...

Till tomorrow!


Movie review Monday

I love movies.

This is the best time of year for seeing movies because this is the Oscar season.

I see ALOT of movies.

Some I see more than once.

I may see one just to enjoy it and then see it again for the movie making magic I didn't catch the first time.

One such movie.

New Moon- I read the book, liked the book, loved the movie.

I saw it first just as a fan. I really enjoyed the special effects of the werewolves. The angst between Bella and Jacob was gut wrenching. I am really team Edward, but this movie had me jumping ship  to team Jacob. 

 I read this book so I had to go and check out all of the behind the movie tid bits.

Blind Side- Definetly a feel good movie. Snadra Bullock is very good in this. It is funny, touching, and overall well done.

Precious- If you don't like Oprah's books club selections,  (which I do not), then you will not like this movie. It is disturbing,  and graphic in subject matter. I had a hard time hearing some of the words, the sound seemed off , or the words were mumbled. A man walked out at the end of the movie, due to the disturbing dialogue.

Having said that...

Monique, who plays Precious mother, will most likely get a Oscar nomination.

Her portrayal was Amazing, very difficult to watch, yet mezmorizing from an acting stand point.

A Christmas Carol- I saw this on the Imax screen. Some of the best animation I have ever seen. 

Not a movie for small children, Ella, (11) was covering her eyes at times.

The scenes of the ghost of Christmas present in particular were outstanding.


I'm trying to keep it short and brief, just a quick what I thought. Here's what I am most looking forward to seeing and soon listening to in the car. The song BE ITALIAN makes me wnat to cook up a huge pasta dinner for the family just so I can sing this song as I'm making and serving it! Don't forget to pause the player

Black Friday...FUN!

Yesterday I did something I vowed I would never do again...

shopped on Black Friday!

I worked in various malls around the area for 12 years.

For 12 years straight I worked black Friday.

It was nightmarish!

This year my sister Tiff asked if I would like to start a new tradition.

I accepted.

I went the idea that I was going to just have fun, see what all the hoopla was about , but not really accomplish anything.

The day started at...


I was out the door by 4:00.

As I was driving through town I saw the khols parking lot full, a line around the Target, and  Walmart had a sea of people in front of it.

I arrived at Woodfield mall at 4:50 am.

My sister loves this day, so I let her lead the way.

I soon realized there were alot of deals to be had and I was getting caught up in the frenzy.

I didn't even have time to get my mug on t.v.!

We fell into a rythm, one of us would wait in the line while one shopped. Then, I would tag her out and she would shop, when it was time to get rung up I would call her on the cell, we purchased and we were on to the next store!

We did this for 4 1/2 hours.

At 9:am we did this...

We could no longer hold these...

So we made a drop off, and at...

 We were eating this...

and this...


There was plenty of holiday...


 PM, it looked like this...

We had a blast, can't wait to do it again next year!