Get your freak on Friday
Pause player.
At our house we have named the days of the week. For example, manic Monday's whip it Wenesday's and get your freak on Friday.
The last one means that on this day I am singing and dancing our way down the street to the bus.
Because I am forbidden to do this at the bus stop I usually start in the house and then bust a move out the door and into the car.
One of these days I may get up the nerve to actually film it and post it. I may need some encouragment though.( hint, hint )
So in honor of gyfof here goes...
If only my legs were that long! How bout those moves!
It has basically been get your freak on everyday here. As in a freaking disaster. We are residing the house and it is a mess!
This beauty is in the driveway.
The house is freezing.
Between the hammering and my dog Tucker barking I could loose my mind.
It's a funny thing having a dog named Tucker.
He's a lassapoo so he has some lungs on him, and I do as well.
If I'm yelling at him just right, Tucker can sound alot like another word...
If you've ever seen the movie Meet the Parents, you know what word I mean!
If you have not yet purchased your GLEE soundtrack, I highly recomend it!
You will definitley get your freak on!
If you press the player again I put a couple of the Glee songs on there for you.
Have a wonderful weeekend.
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Reader Comments (4)
You crack me up!!!!!
what did i miss? what are yall doing?
girrrrrrrl... crazy i can imagine... BUT... oh so worth it i bet!
i JUST saw part of Meet the Parents again last night... that movie never gets old... so funny... AS ARE YOU!!! :)
Diana, I have tried to send you an E-Mail with the address you sent me and it did not go through.
Could you please contact me at Sorry for the confusion I pasted it and it still did not go through. Sorry I have been away from my computer for a few days.
I loved watching you get your groove on! Thanks for making my day :)
Sincerely, Katrina
I am sooo behind on my reading, and just finally catching up. This is HILARIOUS!
We just had our house reroofed and my fabulous dog barked the entire time the roofers were here. It.was.awesome. 7 days of crying babies, complaining preschoolers, and barking dogs. Awesome.