Bio & Headshot

Well Hello there! If you've stumbled your way to this blog WELCOME! I'm a widwestern gal who is darn crafty. I love taking all kinds of pictures,  but taking funny ones of myself are my favourite. I am a t.v. and movie addict who can remeber all kinds of movie history, actors names, dates and trivia, however, I cannot seem to remember where I put my purse, keys and sometimes my children! 

To learn more about me you can get a backstage tour by clicking on the different links and visiting the bio/headshot area.


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Say hello to my little friends...

I finally managed to "get er done"

These are my newest creations

They are

Audrey ( my fav )       Love her, love Breakfast at Tiffany's, and of course Eliza Doolittle!

Oscar                         One of my favorite nights of the year

Glee                           My FAVORITE show on t.v.

Blue jeans Babe        My butt is permanently dyed blue from wearing them everyday.

Smitten                      With my husband (and Michael Buble')

Queen of Hearts         Messing around with Valentines Day ideas

Darla                           Always wanted to be named Darla, after the girl from Our Gang.

Eliza                            The best character I ever played.

Calliope                       Inspired by the movie The Princess Frog! Just in time for V-day!

 I'm going to spend some time this weekend putting out some V- day decos. I have a couple cute V-day projects I want to do too. So, hopefully that is what I accomplish and then I can share them with you!

Just wondering...

Am I the only one in the world that watches Masterpiece Theatre? It is one of my favorite things to do. I cannot get enough of the opening music to the Classics series. It makes me want to walk around talking with a English accent!

Sunday is the first episode in a four part series of Emma!

Love, Love, Love this! I Can't wait!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Reader Comments (3)

Those new friends are pretty! Especially loving Blue Jeans. I've never watched Masterpiece Theater, but I do love everything English, and since Emma is one of my all time favorite stories I'm going to set it to record. You've got me converted!

January 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Love the new pretties! I wore my new one last night to Bunko, and the girls loved it! Thank you so much! Love all of your packaging! Maybe we can "swap" for some of my jewels one of these days! :) Have a great weekend! Weird that you mentioned the MP "Emma", just saw an ad and set my DVR! Love Jane Austen, does that make me a nerd? Oh well!

January 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarmen Leigh

I got my convertable yesterday!!! I love it!!

January 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternicole

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