Bio & Headshot

Well Hello there! If you've stumbled your way to this blog WELCOME! I'm a widwestern gal who is darn crafty. I love taking all kinds of pictures,  but taking funny ones of myself are my favourite. I am a t.v. and movie addict who can remeber all kinds of movie history, actors names, dates and trivia, however, I cannot seem to remember where I put my purse, keys and sometimes my children! 

To learn more about me you can get a backstage tour by clicking on the different links and visiting the bio/headshot area.


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This is how I roll...

 I've been MIA because I've been working on some new convertables. I'm excited about the response to them, and to all of you that have ordered them... Thanks so much!

Excited to announce that a local boutique; Angelina in downtown Barrington has asked to have some convertables in her shop.

I thought I'd give you a little sneak peek. They are not actually all complete, and may look different once up on Etsy.

I was thinking about my creative process as I was taking these photos, and i realized I make the convertables the same way I scrapbook.

I wish I could say I am a "glue and go" kinda girl, but I'm just not. I like to look at the piece for a while.

My process is like this:

Gather all materials

Run up and down the basement stairs about 500 times ( totally great for my behind) to get all the things I am have now thought about... and that I could add.

Lay it all out. I get a convertable card just like I would a piece of paper and start laying out rosets and embellishments.

I do not sit either. I stand to scrapbook and had my scrapbook table installed at my hips height so that I didn't have to bend over. I stand to eat too. You'd think my butt would be alot smaller since it isn't squished out flat all the time, but unfortunately it isn't.

My favorite thing to eat while scrapbooking twizzlers red licoriceand way too much diet rite.

Music... show tunes, love them and love singing them at the top of my lungs while noone is home... whom I kidding I sing them at the top of my lungs whether my family is home or not!

I play around with the stuff, leave, come back, futz, leave, come back,futz, tweak, and eventually I come up with something.

 My biggest problem is I have a creative kind of ADD. I can say that because unlike Tom Cruise I DO know what I'm talking about.

Sometimes I am counter productive because I keep  jumping from one idea to another.

Eventually I can rane myself in, tie up the loose ends and have a finished product.


And that's how I roll!

Speaking of ADD, here's something that has NOTHING to do with the above post.

 You may remember my friend was getting married at our home last weekend. Here are some of the shots I took. I am obsessed with picnik!




 Some look a little grainy here, but not once printed, maybe too many processes.

If you would like to see more of where I create, you can click on the prop room button on the right side of this page and see some pictures of my scrapbook room.

That's what I've been up to in my world. Feeling like I've been running and spinning since October, but now I have time to take a deep breath, focus and

 as my sister would say...

I just need to...

Slow my  Roll

How do you Roll?



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